Springtime... So much fun! This year Scott and I have decided to try a few new things. #1. I planted about 35 tulips in the fall and they have popped up all over and look insanely awesome! #2. We have CHICKENS! Yes, it's true. We got them as eggs and watched them hatch and grow. They are so much fun. Ginger (Our red-headed Chicken), Buffy (She is very "buff" colored, and our fattest chicken) and Precious (She was certainly a precious baby chick...) are the oldest followed by Samurai ("Sam" for short.. She is black and oh so stealth...), Spice (We decided she looks like many different kinds of red spices), Baby (she is definitely the most beautiful chicken we have ever seen), Victoria (because her wings remind me of some other Victoria wings...), Angel (she is our only white chicken) and sweet little Crutchy ...our most favorite of all... Crutchy was born with a deformed leg and we have been trying to help her grow and survive, but things aren't looking too good. We're so afraid of losing her, but think that she may be happier in Chicken heaven. Poor thing. She's a fighter though... Definitely a fighter. #3. Scott is in an EMT course and will soon be starting his Intermediate class. He is so dang smart. 'Nuff said. :) #4. We bought a broccoli plant!!! Never grown one of those before. We also have a few tomatoes, rosemary, basil, chives and parsley. We're super excited to plant some other fun veggies and herbs. We got so much satisfaction out of our garden last year. #5. Bono successfully ran away 5 times... maybe more. Bless his heart. #6. Bono is now tied up in the back yard and will never be free. #7. I am not pregnant. Sorry. I know everyone wanted to know. #8. I have ONE MORE MONTH of school. It seems ever so far away, and yet ever so CLOSE!! :) #9. Scott and I have been wanting to go camping now for over a month... and every time we plan it.... it RAINS or SNOWS (tonight being one of those nights)! #10. We are currently trying to plan a summer camping trip and are looking at places down by Moab.. It's gonna be super sweet wherever we go! :) #11. We took Ben to his VERY first Demolition Derby. Don't worry... We dressed up like hicks... Belt buckles, cowboy boots and all. It was SO much fun. Ben loved it. :)
Yes... Spring is sweet...