Well hello out there! (Assuming there are people out there who actually read my ramblings)......
I figured I should probably write a post about Christmas, seeing as how it has always been my favorite holiday.... And also seeing as how this year definitely did not disappoint.

For the past 3 years, my sweet Nate Scott has agreed to stay in Logan for Christmas (the 1st year because we were getting hitched two days later; the 2nd year because his parents were on a mission; and last year because if we had gone to California, we would have been the only sibling in my family to NOT be on the same "Christmas rotation"), so NATURALLY it was about time we spend the glorious holiday in California with the Biggs family.
I will never forget the first Christmas that my older brother brought his new bride to Christmas and she cried the entire time. I remember thinking.... "I don't blame her. I would DEFINITELY be crying if I was with some other dude's family on Christmas". I sort of shrugged it off and figured it would never happen to me. Not because I wasn't ever going to get married... but because by the time that happened, I would have figured out some way to convince my man that the ONLY place to be on Christmas was in the Ballam home.
Well........... my plan didn't exactly pan out as planned. In fact...... it worked out a WHOLE lot better. I'll be honest... I had the same mind frame about spending Christmas with another family up until about September of this year. And then all of the sudden, as if the magic Christmas fairy hit me over the head with her magic Christmas fairy dust- I was 110% okay with going to California for Christmas. It was crazy. I started telling Nate Scott that I was excited about it and it was VERY obvious that he thought I was completely lying. In fact, I don't think he really believed me until I sat him down 3 weeks ago and DRILLED it in to him that I was in fact, very excited and not sad in the least about the fact that we were going to be with his family. Honestly, I don't blame him for not completely believing me- seeing as how it was a complete miracle in itself that I was feeling the way I was. I could barely believe MYSELF!

ANYWAY................ In preparation for the big day (Christmas Eve/Day- its all one huge celebration in my family) we got as many of the Ballam clan as we could together (everyone except Nick and his family) and had our typical tradition-filled Ballam Christmas Eve party. It was different of course- but still a wonderful evening.
Then we all went our separate ways- The Chris Ballam's to Highland; the Nick Ballam's already in Maryland; the Espinosa's to Arizona; the Blair's to Centerville; and the Biggs' to California.
It was a WONDERFUL week full of family, food, games, ice skating (which I technically didn't get to do thanks to my stupid back/herniated disc), Victorian Christmas in Nevada City, movies, a wonderful trip to the temple, people watching at the mall, sledding, and so much more. The family was sweet enough to let me throw in a couple of my own traditions (having baked gouda on Christmas Eve and Aebleskivers on Christmas morning)- which made it feel even more like home. The only problem about the trip was that it was WAY TOO SHORT.
The car ride home got pretty excited around Elko when I came down with the worst stomach flu I have EVER had and poor Nate Scott (sorry about the name thing... I really don't know what to call him anymore) had to stop the car every 20-30 minutes so I could get out and empty my system. Bless his sweet heart. I am quite sure he drove way over 90mph those last few hundred miles so he could get me home quicker.
But stomach flu aside, this Christmas was one I will remember forever and always be grateful for. I guess I lucked out big time to have such wonderful in-laws. And a special shout-out goes to that magic Christmas fairy that changed my childish heart and mind and helped me realize that it doesn't matter WHERE you spend the holiday.... as long as it is with those you love. And that is certainly how it happened for me.