Nate Scott and Ester are having a baby.
I guess I am supposed to tell you all how it has gone so far... Were we surprised? Well I sure was. Scott kept telling me I was pregnant and urging me to take a test, but in all honesty, I think my defiance was stemming from fear. I was afraid it would come back positive.... and then what?! I don't know how to be pregnant.......
19 weeks later I still don't know how to be pregnant.
We were both very excited when we found out there was a bun in the oven, but less than a week later, the morning sickness set in. That wasn't so exciting. In fact... I have heard Scott say more than once "I want my Ester back!" I'll be honest.... It has been awful. I always knew it would not be fun- puking every day.... but boy was I in for a HUGE surprise. Everything made me nauseated. Everything. I threw up anywhere from 2 - 5 times per day and got really good at puking quietly while at church and work.
Had this blog entry been written back in January, it would be riddled with tales of vomit chunks and pain. However, I am happy to say the nausea has SIGNIFICANTLY decreased and vomiting is a rare thing these days. Definitely one of the hardest parts has been the low blood sugars. I find myself running in the 30's and 40's (normal is 60-100) and have had to enlist Scott's help on more than one occasion to bring me out of unconsciousness. That has definitely been a new and scary part of life, but one that we are learning to deal with.
Most of you know that Scott and I both have a strong prevalence of spina bifida in our families. This, along with my diabetes has put me as a high risk pregnancy. This has meant we have been blessed with LOTS of ultrasounds. We actually found out the sex of our little guy at 16 weeks because of the "high risk" nature of the pregnancy. I have seen more doctors and spent more time in the hospital over the past 19 weeks than probably my entire life combined. But it's all for a good cause.
Scott and I had a Valentine's Day to remember this year, when he was able to feel the baby move for the first time. It really is incredible now to feel his movements and kicks- sort of makes it feel more.... real.
Well.... I don't really know what else to say.... Life is good. We are so excited and definitely recognize the enormous miracle and blessing that this little life already is in our lives. We are thrilled to be having a boy and hope we can be the kind of parents that we so desperately want to be.
We look forward to July 13th with each passing day!