February 4, 2011

Oh Snap.

Well... Just showed up at my Mom and Dad's house and upon my arrival found it quite strange that every light in the house was off. I thought about turning around and going home but then decided I might as well come inside for a second and check the weather. (I like to do that so I know if I am going to die on my way to work the next morning or not. You know.... get my life in order and what not.) WELL... sure enough... no one was home. Tennessee was completely OUT and... oh yes... the oven alarm was going off and inside was a very cooked spaghetti squash... one that would have most likely burned to a crisp and could have possibly burned the house down. So... my "Oh snap" moment for the day came when I was able to avert a MAJOR disaster by merely deciding to check the daily weather. :)

The Church is True.

Now go do the right thing.

