Goodness Gracious it has been a while...
Summertime has always been a favorite in the Biggs family... Scott and I love the opportunities that open up once all of the snow has melted away. Unfortunately, this summer we have only been able to go camping ONCE. That truly is a sad thing. However, we have still managed to have lots of fun and are planning a SUPER AWESOME canoeing trip this October.
Most of our nights this summer have involved the best card game ever created... It is called 'Up and Down the River'.. We must have played it 50 times this summer with members of my family and Scott has even introduced it to some of his family as well.
We had SO much fun last month because Matt, Brittany, Tamra, Roy, Chuck and Lanea were all able to come out for a visit with their ADORABLE kids! It was SO fun seeing all of them! Scott and I are REALLY excited about going out to Nevada City for Thanksgiving and spending more time with the family.
Of course, with summer, comes the opera season! And this year was one of the best yet. Vanessa, Olivia and Stefan performed in The Sound of Music and my dad, Ben, Vanessa, and Stefan were all in Guys and Dolls. The Sound of Music left me feeling super proud of my sisters every night, Guys and Dolls left me tapping my toes and humming "Sit Down You're Rocking the Boat", La Traviata left me sitting in a pool of tears and Barber of Seville left me with a side ache from laughing so hard. I could have seen each show a hundred times and loved every second of it. We also had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Marni Nixon. She is an incredible woman. You may not recognize her name, but would certainly recognize her voice. She was the singing voice of Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, Natalie Wood in West Side Story, Debra Kerr in An Affair To Remember and The King and I.
As far as our little farm goes... we now have a new addition... A pretty little cat named Persia. She was hanging around our house a few weeks ago, so we invited her in and offered her some food. She was extremely malnourished and in desperate need of some love. And... ever since... she has stayed with us. For some reason she likes being cuddled and fed tuna.... :) I am pretty sure she thinks Scott is her dad because they have the same coloring...
What a fun summer!
Scott looks like a little kid in that last picture. :)